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Buy and Sell Stock


  • See this pop up after click Part A (5) - Buy/Sell Stock


1Transaction TypeInsert buy or sell transaction
2Stock NameChoose stock. Sell transaction will limit stocks to your open position
3PriceEntry or Exit price of your transaction
4QuantitySize of your transaction
5ValueAuto-computed based on your Price and Quantity
6Take ProfitPre-determined price to Take Profit (optional)
7Stop LossPre-determined price to Cut Loss (optional)
8Datetransaction Date. The price range of the given day will be shown above (8b)
9Reason to EntryNote down reason based on FA/TA or others (optional)
10Lesson LearntNote down your experience after the trade is completed (optional)
11Improvement NeededNote down steps to follow for your next trade (optional)
12RemarksNote down other information for your Portfolio log (optional)