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Performance Visualization



1Performance VisualizationClick to hide or unhide the Performance Visualization
2Equity CurveShows your Equity value (= Portfolio Value + Cash) over time
3Win/Loss PercentageShow your Win rate (Number of Winning trades / Total number of trades in %) over time

Performance Statistic


1CapitalRemaining capital (cash) in your account
2TradesAccumulated number of trades since Portfolio inception
3HoldingsNumber of stocks in Portfolio
4Win CountNumber of complete trades with a positive return
5Loss CountNumber of complete trades with a negative return
6Win/Loss %Win rate (Number of Win trade / Total number of trades in %)

Portfolio Holding


1FIFO/WACMethod in tracking stock inventory. First in First Out means selling out stock inventory bought first; and Weighted Average Cost means taking average of all stock inventory bought
2Avg PriceAverage purchase cost of the stock, varies on FIFO/WAC
3ValueCost value (= Avg Price x Quantity)
4Current Market PriceLatest price of a stock
5Mark to Market ValueMarket value (= Current Market Price X Quantity)
6Gain/LossEqual to (Market Price - Avg Price) / Avg Price in %

Transaction Log


1DateHistorical transaction date of portfolio log according to descending order
2SL/TPPre-determined Stop loss and Take profit price
3Notes/RemarksAdd or change your Notes after completing your trade
4ActionDelete the entire transaction. This action is irreversible